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In 2011, Grace Community Church in Newton, Kansas felt God’s call on them as a corporate body to be a church that planted churches. This led to the hiring of a seasoned church planter by the name of Jay Nickless whose responsibility was to make this vision a reality.

Within months, Pastor Jay had identified a community and began building a team of individuals who could help launch a life-giving church--and on Easter of 2012 Grace Hillsboro held their first service. Within 6 months, Grace Crossing in Moundridge opened their doors, and Grace Community was off and multiplying.

A result of this rapid multiplication, was the realization that Grace was going to need leaders who could pastor these new churches, and so a formal church planting residency program was established. It was here that New Anthem Community Church was born. In fact, five of the six residency participants are involved in some capacity with church planting, including Landon Jordan, the founding pastor of New Anthem.

Two church planting organizations assisted New Anthem with the funding needed to launch a healthy, life-giving church. The Association of Related Churches in Birmingham, AL and the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches in Fort Wayne, IN. You can follow the links below for more information about these awesome organizations. 

When it comes to a Sunday morning, the only thing we’ll ask of you is simple: relax. You don’t have to dress up. We don’t care who you voted for in the last election. And please, don’t feel the need to pretend about anything. We started New Anthem as a safe environment for regular people to explore faith within community. Everyone is welcome here, whatever your story, your questions, doubts or struggles. So come as you are, because that’s where God meets us — as is.

From there, we’ll help each other grow to be all God intended us to be. For us, its all about, all because of, and all for… Jesus. It’s not about buildings with baristas, bowling alleys, or bookstores. We want to embody the church Jesus had in mind and he never saw church as a place to go, but as a people…not a religious institution, but a movement of love and hope. We think this whole faith thing is at its best when it motivates selfless service, sacrifice, and love…caring about the things God cares about.

As a family of faith, we are committed to BRING people into a saving relationship with Jesus, BUILD them up in the faith, EQUIP them for ministry, and SEND them out on a mission to dispense hope to our local communities and beyond. We were all created to live for something larger than ourselves and God invites everyone, everywhere into this way of living.



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