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It’s graduation season!

This is a crazy time of year because nowadays you have Pre-K graduation, Kindergarten graduation, 5th grade graduation, 8th grade graduation, high school graduation, associate degree graduation, bachelor degree graduation, master’s degree graduation, doctorate degree graduation—I’m sure I missed one somewhere in there.

And the irony of all these graduations is that only 27% of people will work in a field closely related to their major. That’s comforting to know since you’ll graduate college with roughly $48,000 of debt.

So in an effort to ease your depression, let me help set you up for some success. There are a million jobs you can work and earn a lot of money, but they’ll leave you feeling miserable. Money won’t ever solve your problems. So instead of asking yourself, “Where can I make the most money?” Ask yourself, “What brings me the most joy?”

When you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Furthermore, God intended for you to enjoy your life. Check out John 10:10. This isn’t a selfish question. If it’s done right, the results will be selfless, because you’re operating how God designed you to operate. Nothing could be more God-glorifying than that.

Graduates. You’re part of the greatest story ever told.

Write your part well.